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New posts in namespaces

Where should non-member operator overloads be placed?

C++ using keyword

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Artisan' not found in Laravel 5

Error declaring "using namespace" with a nested namespace ("namespace xxx::yyy not allowed in using-declaration")

c++ namespaces

xpath expression from xml with namespace prefix

Do you prefer explicit namespaces or 'using' in C++?

c++ namespaces using

What requires me to declare "using namespace std;"?

Alter namespace prefixing with ElementTree in Python

Creating object from variable using Namespaces and Autoload in PHP

What is the difference between exclude-result-prefixes and extension-element-prefix in XSLT namespace declaration?

xslt namespaces exslt

What's a namespace used for in the App Engine datastore?

Reordering factor gives different results, depending on which packages are loaded

Putting separate python packages into same namespace?

What effect does static const have on a namespace member

Custom WPF namespace mappings failing in Visual Studio 2010

Which comes first? header guards, namespace and includes [closed]

How many local variables can a Python (CPython implementation) function possibly hold?

Can I refer another namespace and expose its functions as public for the current ns?

namespaces clojure

Anonymous Namespace Ambiguity

Can't get pprint to work in clojure