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New posts in namespaces

What is "using namespace::std" in C++

Do I need to namespace my JavaScript code if it's in an <iframe>?

Namespacing technique in JavaScript, recommended? performant? issues to be aware of?

How can I get all the controls in a namespace?

c# namespaces controls

Empty/blank namespace declarations being generated within result-document

xslt namespaces

Is using namespace in an anonymous namespace safe?

#includes within a namespace, to "embed" prewritten stuff in namespace

c++ templates namespaces

Overloading ostream operator (<<) for class defined within a namespace

using namespace System; in Visual Studio 2013

Disabling default namespaces

namespaces rust

Dispatching CustomEvent with dot in name do not trigger jQuery.on() event listener

socket.io switching namespaces

why can't I declare a namespace and a method in a do using Clojure

clojure namespaces

what's the story with the android XML namespace?

xml android url namespaces

One Class with two different Namespaces?

vb.net namespaces

Sharing enums in c++ over classes

c++ enums namespaces

C++ function call within same namespace

c++ namespaces

E4X: grab nodes with namespaces?

C# - Overriding somes classes available in System namespace

getting the namespace of a rails controller object?