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New posts in named-pipes

Performance of sockets vs pipes

sockets pipe named-pipes

Create named pipe in Ruby

ruby named-pipes mkfifo

C++ Using windows named pipes

How to unblock ConnectNamedPipe and ReadFile? [C#]

c# c++ pinvoke pipe named-pipes

Why are pipes considered dangerous to use in Windows/unix/linux?

c++ c ipc pipe named-pipes

How do I synchronize two processes?

How can I control an interactive Unix application programmatically through Perl?

perl controls named-pipes

Switch from file contents to STDIN in piped command? (Linux Shell)

bash file shell named-pipes pipe

Can Java act as a Named Pipes server?

java windows named-pipes

C# all pipe instances are busy

c# .net named-pipes

Inter process communication between Electron app and Win32 native desktop app

Write to fifo (named pipe)

ConnectNamedPipe and asio overlappped ptr

Win32 named pipes and message size limits - is the old 64K limit still applicable?

windows winapi named-pipes

Read/write example codes for TPipeServer and TPipeClient components and security check

How to write and read from a named pipe in C?

c named-pipes

ffmpeg output pipeing to named windows pipe

What is an overlapped I/O alternative to WaitNamedPipe?

c++ c windows named-pipes

Cancel NamedPipeClientStream.Read call

Named Pipes between C# and Python

c# python windows named-pipes