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Is it possible to set observable in 'click' binding?

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Is it "wrong" for properties to call methods or start events [closed]

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UI not calling INotifyDataErrorInfo.GetErrors()

Show WPF validation error message in a fixed place

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Should ViewModel inherit DependencyObject in WPF?

How to resolve a "Binding Expression Path error" in WPF?

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Are there two kinds of ViewModels in MVVM Light?

How to update Datagrid using MVVM?

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access and open DisplayActionSheet from view model

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MVVM Where Does Event Handlers Belong

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Is it ok to have MVVM without model for temporary things? [closed]

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MVVM with aggregated model classes - how to wrap in ViewModels?

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WPF error template not showing

Getting error when adding MergedDictionary to Application.Resources WPF

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How do I invoke a method on the UI thread when using the TPL?

Can the Architect be right "MVVM only splits the code behind to multiple (3) files "

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Remove from list doen't call setter?

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When to use event and command for WPF/MVVM?

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Text box value is not updated in ViewModel when changing in the view in WPF

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How can I bind source MediaCapture to CaptureElement using Caliburn.Micro?