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access and open DisplayActionSheet from view model

i have a toolbar in my content page where there is one item called add , on clicking over add i want to open DisplayActionSheet

i have created ContentPage Toolbar in xaml and attached ICommand to it in view model. Now DisplayActionSheet is accessible only in View hence i am not sure how will i able to access it and render it from view model.

xaml file

    <ToolbarItem Name="" Icon="ic_add.png"    Order="Primary" Priority="0" Command="{Binding OnAddContactCommand}"/>
    <ToolbarItem Name="" Icon="ic_search.png" Order="Primary" Priority="1" Command="{Binding OnContactSearchCommand}" />

View model

public ICommand OnContactSearchCommand => new Command(OnContactSearch);
public ICommand OnAddContactCommand => new Command(OnAddContactSearch);


private async void OnAddContactSearch()
   //var action = await DisplayActionSheet(AppResources.select_contact_source, AppResources.cancel, null, AppResources.manual, AppResources.phonebook);

private void OnContactSearch()
like image 925
Hunt Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 09:12


2 Answers

Like @Alessandro said Application.Current.MainPage works fine for action sheets and alerts as well. To hide view specific stuff from view model I created an IMessageBoxService which is injected into the view models' contructors that need it. Note that I am using the Autofac IoC container. For Xamarin's DependencyService you have change the constructors and look up the service in code.


public interface IMessageBoxService
    void ShowAlert(string title, string message, Action onClosed = null);
    // ...
    Task<string> ShowActionSheet(string title, string cancel, string destruction, string[] buttons = null);


public class MessageBoxService : IMessageBoxService
    private static Page CurrentMainPage { get { return Application.Current.MainPage; } }

    public async void ShowAlert(string title, string message, Action onClosed = null)
        await CurrentMainPage.DisplayAlert(title, message, TextResources.ButtonOK);

    public async Task<string> ShowActionSheet(string title, string cancel, string destruction = null, string[] buttons = null)
        var displayButtons = buttons ?? new string[] { };
        var action = await CurrentMainPage.DisplayActionSheet(title, cancel, destruction, displayButtons);
        return action;


    protected void RegisterDependencies(ContainerBuilder cb)
        // ...


public class EditProductViewModel : AddProductViewModel
    private IMessageBoxService _messageBoxService;

    public ICommand DeleteCommand { get; set; }

    public EditProductViewModel(IPageNavigator navigator, IMessenger messenger,
        IMessageBoxService messageBoxService, TagDataStore tagDataStore) : base(navigator, messenger, tagDataStore)
        _messageBoxService = messageBoxService;
        DeleteCommand = new Command(DeleteItem);


    private async void DeleteItem()
        var action = await _messageBoxService.ShowActionSheet(TextResources.MenuTitleDeleteProduct,
            TextResources.ButtonCancel, TextResources.ButtonDelete);
        if (action == TextResources.ButtonDelete)
        { } // delete

If you are doing viewmodel first navigation (s. Xamarin or Jonathan Yates' blog) you may chose to make this part of the Navigator service. It's a matter of taste

like image 103
Kay Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 00:12


try with

like image 31
Alessandro Caliaro Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 22:12

Alessandro Caliaro