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New posts in mutex

"machine sleep" + WaitForSingleObject + finite timeout

Is mutex needed for different offsets into allocated heap memory

c++ c multithreading mutex

In Linux kernel, why a mutex cannot be acquired in bottom half?

try_lock_for not working as intended

Can a pthread_mutex_t be moved in memory?

mutex realloc

Equivalent of Windows's named mutex in Mac OS X? [duplicate]

Can a single thread double-lock a mutex?

c++ multithreading mutex

Do the release-acquire visibility guarantees of std::mutex apply to only the critical section?

Synchronized block - Java

java multithreading mutex

How to implement an MVC 4 web App server side mutex

How to avoid busy spinning in Java

java multithreading mutex

Ensuring that current thread holds a lock on a C++11 mutex

`std::condition_variable::wait_for` calls the predicate very often

Mixing threads, fork, and mutexes, what should I watch out for?

multithreading fork mutex

Locking C++11 std::unique_lock causes deadlock exception

Using QMutex::tryLock and QMutexLocker

c++ qt concurrency mutex

Why is interrupt disabled between spin_lock and spin_unlock in Linux?

Difference between std::lock_guard and #pragma omp critical

Implementing a Mutex Lock in C

c assembly mutex

How can you implement a condition variable using semaphores?