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New posts in mutex

boost interprocess named mutex remains acquired after a crash

Where to use binary semaphore when mutex are available?

Is there an equivalent to boost::interprocess::null_mutex in C++11 (e.g. std::null_mutex)?

c++ c++11 mutex

Why is 'accept_mutex' 'on' as default in Nginx?

nginx mutex

Query std::mutex for lock state

c++ multithreading c++11 mutex

Unlock mutex on exception

c++ exception mutex

C#: How to prevent two instances of an application from doing the same thing at the same time?

c# .net mutex mutual-exclusion

C++14 shared_timed_mutex VS C++11 mutex

c++ multithreading mutex c++14

Can someone Explain Mutex and how it is used?

Will this RAII-style Objective-C class work?

c++ objective-c mutex raii

How to use a file as a mutex in Linux and C?

c linux mutex

Threading-Safe std:list C++

Threads trying to acquire pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex) What happens if they don't get the lock?

c pthreads mutex locks

Why is there no wait function for condition_variable which does not relock the mutex

Spinlock vs std::mutex::try_lock

c++ mutex spinlock

One reader. One writer. Some general questions about mutexes and atomic-builtins

c++ multithreading mutex

will goto violate mutexes?

c mutex goto

C Confused on how to initialize and implement a pthread mutex and condition variable

What does 'Mutex lock' exactly do?

When to use pthread_mutex_t

c++ pthreads mutex