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New posts in mutable

Const method that modifies *this without const_cast

Should this immutable struct be a mutable class?

What is the difference between matching a mutable Option reference in "if let Some(ref mut x) = option" and in "if let Some(x) = option.as_mut()"?

rust reference mutable

Preferred way of returning an immutable object

When an immutable reference to a mutable reference to a value outside the scope is returned, why is the mutable reference dropped when the scope ends?

Understanding immutable composite types with fields of mutable types in Julia

immutability julia mutable

In F#, is it possible to pass a reference to a mutable, defaulted value as a parameter?

f# mutable

Best approach to mutate(add/remove bindings) a Guice injector while maintaining state

guice mutable

How to check immutability [duplicate]

Changing class attributes by reference

python attributes mutable

How to implement actions in ST-monad with my own underlying representation (similarly to STRef or STArray) using simple techniques?

Caching expensive data in C++ - function-scoped statics vs mutable member variables

What is the best approach to convert immutable objects to mutable objects (recursive)?

Haskell real-time update and lookup performance

How can I clear the contents of an NSMutableAttributedString?

Constant correctness and <random>

Kotlin: val mutableList vs var immutableList. When to use which?

kotlin immutability mutable

Scala: Contains in mutable and immutable sets

What is difference between `mut a: &T` and `a: &mut T`? [duplicate]

reference rust mutable

How to type mutable default arguments