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Are String Arrays mutable?

I wonder if String arrays in Java are mutable ? I know that Strings are immutable, but how about string Arrays ?

If I have a string array, and change the content, will a new string object be created ? Or will the actual value just be changed ?

Thanks in advance

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mrjasmin Avatar asked Apr 20 '13 21:04


People also ask

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Strings are immutable. Character Arrays are mutable.

Is array mutable or immutable?

In JavaScript, objects and arrays are mutable by default, but primitive values are not — once a primitive value is created, it cannot be changed, although the variable that holds it may be reassigned.

Is string mutable or immutable?

String is an example of an immutable type. A String object always represents the same string.

How do you make a string array mutable in Java?

In a mutable string, we can change the value of string and JVM doesn't create a new object. In a mutable string, we can change the value of the string in the same object. To create a mutable string in java, Java has two classes StringBuffer and StringBuilder where String class is used to the immutable string.

1 Answers

The Strings contained in the String[] are indeed immutable, but the array is mutable.

This is well explained in this answer:

  • Immutability means that objects of a certain type can not change in any meaningful way to outside observers
    • Integer, String, etc are immutable
    • Generally all value types should be
  • Array objects are mutable
    • It may be an array of references to immutable types, but the array itself is mutable
      • Meaning you can set those references to anything you want
      • Also true for array of primitives
    • An immutable array will not be practical
  • References to objects can be shared
    • If the object is mutable, mutation will be seen through all these references


Somewhat related: Why can't strings be mutable in Java and .NET?

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Luiggi Mendoza Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Luiggi Mendoza