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New posts in multidimensional-array

Are a, &a, *a, a[0], &a[0] and &a[0][0] identical pointers?

Is int *array[32] a pointer to an array of 32 ints, or an array of 32 pointers to int? Does it matter?

What are the differences between using int[][] and int[,]? [duplicate]

How to dynamically set array keys in php

Abstracting dimensionality of arrays in Java

ExpandableListView with multiple choice save selected item into an array

Filter array of objects by property in nested array of objects

PHP's array_merge_recursive behaviour on integer keys

Accessing a one-dimensional array as a two-dimensional array

Can't reshape numpy array

Numpy NdArray Memoization

Why is B = numpy.dot(A,x) so much slower looping through doing B[i,:,:] = numpy.dot(A[i,:,:],x) )?

How to declare a variable size 2D array in C?

How to flatten a clamped array

Convert Flat PHP Array to Nested Array based on Array Keys?

Indexing of unknown dimensional matrix

Array combinatorics in PHP

Array.Copy always row-major?

Check Length of Multidimensional Arrays with Javascript [duplicate]

array_filter and multidimensional array