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Array combinatorics in PHP

Consider following array:

$a = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];

How can generate following array from it:


I am searching for a more efficient code than mine. (My current code is presented as an answer below)

like image 272
Handsome Nerd Avatar asked Nov 23 '12 09:11

Handsome Nerd

2 Answers

Here we go. Assuming:

$array = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];

EDIT: After some performance testing, I concluded the solution I posted before is about 300% slower than OP's code, surely due to nested function call stacking. So here is an improved version of OP's approach, which is around 40% faster:

$count     = array_map('count', $array);
$finalSize = array_product($count);
$arraySize = count($array);
$output    = array_fill(0, $finalSize, []);
$i = 0;
$c = 0;
for (; $i < $finalSize; $i++) {
    for ($c = 0; $c < $arraySize; $c++) {
        $output[$i][] = $array[$c][$i % $count[$c]];

It is basically the same code but I used native functions when possible and also took out the loops some functionality that hadn't to be executed on each iteration.

like image 120
Carlos Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 02:11


"more efficient code" is such a subjective thing .... ;-)
You could use iterators instead of arrays so the complete result doesn't have to be stored in memory. On the other hand this solution is most likely much slower.

class PermIterator implements Iterator {
    protected $mi;
    protected $finalSize, $pos;

    public function __construct(array $src) {
        $mi = new MultipleIterator;
        $finalSize = 1;
        foreach ( $src as $a ) {
            $finalSize *= count($a);
            $mi->attachIterator( new InfiniteIterator(new ArrayIterator($a)) );
        $this->mi = $mi;
        $this->finalSize = $finalSize;
        $this->pos = 0;

    public function current() { return $this->mi->current(); }
    public function key() { return $this->mi->key(); }
    public function next() { $this->pos+=1; $this->mi->next(); }
    public function rewind() { $this->pos = 0; $this->mi->rewind(); }
    public function valid() { return ($this->pos < $this->finalSize) && $this->mi->valid(); }

$src = $a = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];
$pi = new PermIterator($src); // <- you can pass this one around instead of the array
foreach ( $pi as $e ) {
    echo join(', ', $e), "\n";


x, y, m
x, z, n
x, w, m
x, y, n
x, z, m
x, w, n

Or as an array (object) where you can access each element via an integer offset

class PermArray implements  ArrayAccess {
    // todo: constraints and error handling - it's just an example
    protected $source;
    protected $size;

    public function __construct($source) {
        $this->source = $source;
        $this->size = 1;
        foreach ( $source as $a ) {
            $this->size *= count($a);
    public function count() { return $this->size; }

    public function offsetExists($offset) { return is_int($offset) && $offset < $this->size; }
    public function offsetGet($offset) {
        $rv = array();
        for ($c = 0; $c < count($this->source); $c++) {
          $index = ($offset + $this->size) % count($this->source[$c]);
          $rv[] = $this->source[$c][$index];
        return $rv;

    public function offsetSet($offset, $value ){}
    public function offsetUnset($offset){}

$pa = new PermArray( [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']] );
$cnt = $pa->count();
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
    echo join(', ', $pa[$i]), "\n";
like image 29
VolkerK Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11
