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New posts in multidimensional-array

How to use the (the Boost Multidimensional Array Library) to construct a dynamic two-dimensional array?

Mapping 2D NSArray into 1D with NSIndexPath

Is it beneficial to transpose an array in order to use column-wise operations?

connected neighbours in a java 2d array

How to extract information in a TSV file and save it in an array in JavaScript ?

C++11 dynamic multidimensional array of any type using vector/initilizer list

2D Array indexing - undefined behavior?

Replacing part of a 2D numpy array using indexing

Extracting n-th element of a mysqli query result

Reading numbers from a .txt file into a 2d array and print it on console

Editing an index only if it exists

Algorithm to sort two-dimensional array by swapping

Flip 3D numpy Array

How do I interpolate a 2D gridded point cloud to a continuous area?

how to combine php array of object by unique id?

Julia: Making empty/initialized multidimensional arrays of self defined types

How do you declare a global std::vector 2d array across multiple files? c++

What languages have similar or equivalent array slicing notation to Numpy & why is it not more common? [closed]

How to convert ndarray to series in python

Methodology of high-dimensional data structuring in R vs. MATLAB