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New posts in msbuild-task

Moving a file in MSBuild using relative path

MsBuild: Get current directory of targets

"File has a different computed hash than specified in manifest" error when signing the EXE

How can I hide the command I'm using in an MSBuild Exec task from console output?

msbuild msbuild-task

Choose position of ItemGroup files generated in a Target via a Task

f# msbuild msbuild-task

Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct

Pass custom msbuild target from Solution to Project

Build fails in Visual Studio App Center for Xamarin iOS: Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe

MSBuild: Run target after solution builds from within Visual Studio

How make MSBuild build custom target specified in csproj building sln?

msbuild msbuild-task

How do you integrate ivy with MSbuild

ant msbuild ivy msbuild-task

MS Build copy a list of directories stored in Item

Add MSBuild batched task output as item metadata

.net msbuild msbuild-task

Enabling Code Analysis for .Net Core 2.0 project results CA0055 and CA0052 errors

Programatically find TFS changes since last good build

tfs msbuild msbuild-task

MSBuild targets and Visual Studio 2012 issues

msbuild xmlupdate delete node in web.config

msbuild msbuild-task