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New posts in mpmovieplayercontroller

iPhone - Play a video on both 3.0 and 4.0 OS / SDK?

How to config my server to providing the video file play with MPMoviePlayerViewController?

MPMoviePlayerController and Auth-Based HLS Backend Server

Playing Movies from ITunes using MPMoviePlayerController?

Getting Timed Metadata in Swift ios 8 From M3U8 Streaming Video

MPMoviePlayerViewController becomes black when enters background

The audio keeps stopping on MPMoviePlayerController Audio streaming

MPMoviePlayerController shows only black screen - Swift

How to play local M3u8 files on iOS through GCDWebServer

MPMoviePlayerController stops iPod playback and doesn't restart

MPMoviePlayerViewController stops playback when unplugging headphones

MPMoviePlayer overlay in fullscreen mode (iPad)

Smooth video looping in iOS

Playing video file with 1.5x, 2x speed

Possible to play video using a subclass of NSURLProtocol, using either MPMovieController or AVFoundation?

Disable Audio (and interruption) with MPMoviePlayerController using Swift

Better way to make MPMoviePlayer with Overlay view

How to hide control before MPMoviePlayerController movie is played?

How to make MPMoviePlayerController ignore the mute switch

MPMoviePlayerController showing black empty screen