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New posts in mpmovieplayercontroller

iphone - play audio stream in background

Convert GIF to MP4 on device

MPMoviePlayerController plays local file but not remote over HTTP

How can I start a YouTube video without the user touching the UIWebView itself?

MPMoviePlayerController playing audio stream in the background

Playing a stream of bytes on the iPhone MPMoviePlayerController

MPMoviePlayer or AVPlayer Frame advance

Multiple video playing issue in UITableViewCell

How to detect when iPhone MPMoviePlayer controls appear/disappear?

Localize Done button of MPMoviePlayerViewController

Playing a Downloaded Video from the Documents Directory with Cocoa-Touch

Can be force MPMoviePlayerController to landscape when click on Fullscreen button in iOS

What is the best place to add AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayerController in UITableViewCell?

Why won't my MPMoviePlayerController play?

iOS - Force full screen video

MPMoviePlayerController changing video speed

Overlay on top of Streaming MPMoviePlayerController

Generating thumbnail from video - ios7

MPMoviePlayerController "Loading Movie..."

MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification gets called when it shouldn't