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New posts in move-assignment-operator

can I call destructor in move assignment operator?

Does move assignment break the references?

Double move on same object is copying from left to right?

Assigning make_unique<X> to shared_ptr<X>

Why is copy assigment possible, if a class has only a (templated) move assignment operator?

Questions about the move assignment operator

Why std::sort construct objects? [duplicate]

Why defining a destructor deletes the implicitly defined move assignment operator?

How to ensure the move constructor is used

Why in C++11 or C++14 does the compiler implicitly delete the copy constructor when I declare a move assignment operator?

Is it legal to implement assignment operators as "destroy + construct"?

using swap to implement move assignment

msvc /permissive- std::string overloaded operator '=' is ambiguous

Is move assignment via destruct+move construct safe?

What is the rationale for self-assignment-unsafe move assignment operators in the standard library?

Move assignment operator and `if (this != &rhs)`

Conditions for automatic generation of default/copy/move ctor and copy/move assignment operator?