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New posts in copy-and-swap

Implementing the swap in the copy and swap idiom

Assignment via copy-and-swap vs two locks

c++ c++11 mutex copy-and-swap

What is the proper approach to swap and copy idiom in virtual inheritance?

Why SGI STL don't use the copy-and-swap idiom?

c++ stl copy-and-swap

copy and swap idiom with pure virtual class

Does it make sense to use the move-and-swap idiom on a movable and non-copyable class

using swap to implement move assignment

ambiguous overload for ‘operator=’ with c++11 std::move and copy and swap idiom

Safe assignment and copy-and-swap idiom

Inefficiency of copy-and-swap idiom?

reusing the copy-and-swap idiom

When is copy-and-swap idiom not applicable

c++ copy-and-swap

Why does std::vector have two assignment operators?

c++ c++11 vector copy-and-swap

How to use noexcept in assignment operator with copy-and-swap idiom?

When is overloading pass by reference (l-value and r-value) preferred to pass-by-value?

Move Assignment incompatible with Standard Copy and Swap

What is copy elision and how does it optimize the copy-and-swap idiom?

Why do some people use swap for move assignments?

public friend swap member function

c++ c++11 friend copy-and-swap

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?