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New posts in mongodb-.net-driver

Managing changes in class structure to be consistent with mongodb collection

Get array of partial model from sub document array (MongoDB C# Driver)

Mongo C# strongly typed index on nested array property

Can MongoDatabase and MongoCollection be singletons

Is there a way to create or update a MongoDB index?

System.TimeoutException: A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector

C# MongoDb serialization of Dictionary<string, object>

What is new way of setting DateTimeSerializationOptions.Defaults in mongodb c# driver?

Does MongoDb C# driver works with LINQ and dynamic documents?

Querying MongoDB nested array documents using C#

Is there Document Validator available for MongoDB using C# driver?


mongodb C# Driver update multiple fields

Using MongoDB shell commands on MongoDB 10Gen's driver

MongoDB, C#, QueryFailure flag was not master and slaveOk=false

Using SetFields with MongoDB C# driver 2.0

Unable to authenticate when using MongoClientSettings

c# mongodb-.net-driver

Aggregate $lookup with C#

Translate FilterDefinition<TDocument> to regular json mongo query that i can run in a mongo shell

MongoDB .Net driver 2.0 Pull (remove element)