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Server side projection with MongoDB C# driver 2.0

c# mongo 2.0 driver get item after FindOneAndUpdateAsync

which driver should I use to run mongoDB

Mongodb, linq driver. How to construct Contains with variable or statements

MongoDB : update entire document except _id using C# driver

MongoDB c# Driver - Perform a LINQ "Any" in a Serialized Dictionary

Managing MongoDB object lifetime in a web app

Mongo C# Driver 2.0 Aggregate Group exception

get First 10 result in MongoDB collection

Select all _id from mongodb collection with c# driver

Sub-Query or Join with embedded/nested document using C# LINQ with MongoDB

MongoDB C# Driver Update Document with Aggregation Pipeline

'Unexpected element: XX' during deserialization MongoDB C#

Updating an element in all documents in a MongoDB collection

Best way to create a text index on a MongoDB collection via C# driver

MongoDB c# retrieve all the matching elements in an array within a document using Definition builder

How run mongo command "rs.status" from c# driver

MongoDump query with BinData

How to create a fluent Aggregation using MongoDB C# Driver 2.0

Dynamic Linq Predicate throws "Unsupported Filter" error with C# MongoDB Driver