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New posts in mongodb-csharp-2.0

'MongoDB.Bson.BsonElement' is not an attribute class on simple POCO

Querying, filtering and updating multiple level nested arrays in MongoDB using C#

How to use MongoDB C# Driver without specifying a class

Mongo C# driver 2.0 - Find count without fetching documents

c# mongo 2.0 driver get item after FindOneAndUpdateAsync

How to create a fluent Aggregation using MongoDB C# Driver 2.0

Update field in array mongodb c# driver

Get generated script in MongoDB C# driver

MongoDB Driver 2.0 C# is there a way to find out if the server is down? In the new driver how do we run the Ping command?

MongoDB C# Driver -- Create Index

MongoDB FilterDefinition & IQueryable in C#

New alternative for old .net Driver MongoCollection.Save?

MongoDb Count after aggregation C# 2.0 driver

How to set MongoDB Change Stream 'OperationType' in the C# driver?

When I use ReplaceOneAsync and IsUpsert = true mongodb add's a null Id. How do I stop this?

MongoDb c# official driver bulk update

Translate FilterDefinition<TDocument> to regular json mongo query that i can run in a mongo shell