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New posts in mongodb-.net-driver

How to query a sub document collection using MongoDB and C# driver

Serializing Immutable Value types with Mongo C# Driver

How do I use in $in operator using the 2.0 version of the C# mongodb driver?


MongoDB GridFS bucket?

Custom Mongo ObjectId for inserts

Deserialization Error ASP.NET MongoDB

MongoDB C# Driver: API vs Linq Performance

Transition from Fluent Mongo to Mongo C# 1.4 Driver

RabbitMQ consumer as a windows service

MongoDB C# Driver database.GetCollection and magic strings

Update/Delete a sub document in mongodb using C# driver

Is there a way to use the MongoDB C# driver synchronously

Inheritance in MongoDb: how to request instances of defined type

MongoCollectionSettings.GuidRepresentation is obsolete, what's the alternative?

MongoDB: Is it possible to set the case of a BsonElement by default?

How to $lookup with MongoDB C# driver?

Is it safe to use MongoDB ClientSessions & Transactions in C# async code?