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Convert [IO Int] to IO [Int] in Haskell?

haskell monads

Observing isomorphism and then proving them as Monad

haskell monads

How are all graphic and web libraries implemented in Haskell?

Is it possible to change the monad type in a monadic sequence?

haskell monads either

Is there a standard monad for the "opposite" of the maybe monad?

f# monads

"<-" and associated values

haskell monads

How to multiply two (double option)s in F#

f# monads

How to do something with data from stdin, line by line, a maximum number of times and printing the number of line in Haskell

haskell monads

Departmental restriction against unsafePerformIO

Maybe/Option monad in C# [closed]

c# monads option maybe

How to implement a short-circuit with IO monad in Scala

scala monads

Stacking Monad Transformers in scala

Using Bound with multiple type variables for abstractions

haskell monads

Equivalent of Haskell do-notation or F# Computation Expressions in Scala?

how to implement this future/state concept as a monad in scala

scala monads

C/C++ wrapper for Haskell IO monad

Monad laws for an applicative-based formulation

haskell monads applicative

Implementing replays with MonadPrompt