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how to implement this future/state concept as a monad in scala




I'm trying to implement a container for a match (like in sports) result so that I can create matches between the winners of other matches. This concept is close to what a future monads is as it contains a to be defined value, and also close to a state monad as it hides state change. Being mostly a begginer on the topic I have implemented an initial version in scala that is surely improvable. I added a get method that I'm not sure was a good idea, and so far the only way to create a value would be Unknown(null) which is not as elegant as I'd hoped. What do you think I could do to improve this design?

case class Unknown[T](t : T) {
  private var value : Option[T] = Option(t)
  private var applicatives: List[T => Unit] = Nil

  def set(t: T) {
    if (known) {
      value = Option(t)
      applicatives.foreach(f => f(t))
      applicatives = Nil
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException

  def get : T = value.get

  def apply(f: T => Unit) = value match {
    case Some(x) => f(x);
    case None => applicatives ::= f

  def known = value == None

UPDATE: a usage example of the current implementation follows

case class Match(val home: Unknown[Team], val visit: Unknown[Team], val result: Unknown[(Int, Int)]) {
  val winner: Unknown[Team] = Unknown(null)
  val loser: Unknown[Team] = Unknown(null)

  result.apply(result => {
    if (result._1 > result._2) {
      home.apply(t => winner.set(t))
      visit.apply(t => loser.set(t))
    } else {
      home.apply(t => loser.set(t))
      visit.apply(t => winner.set(t))

And a test snippet:

val definedUnplayedMatch = Match(Unknown(Team("A")), Unknown(Team("B")), Unknown(null));
val definedPlayedMatch = Match(Unknown(Team("D")), Unknown(Team("E")), Unknown((1,0)));
val undefinedUnplayedMatch = Match(Unknown(null), Unknown(null), Unknown(null));

undefinedUnplayedMatch.winner.get must be equalTo(Team("B")); 
undefinedUnplayedMatch.loser.get must be equalTo(Team("D"));

UPDATE - CURRENT IDEA : I haven't had much time to work on this because my laptop broke down, but I though it would be useful to write the monad I have so far for those who are interested:

sealed abstract class Determine[+A] {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Determine[B]
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Determine[B]): Determine[B]
  def filter(p: A => Boolean): Determine[A]
  def foreach(b: A => Unit): Unit
final case class Known[+A](value: A) extends Determine[A] {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Determine[B] = Known(f(value))
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Determine[B]): Determine[B] = f(value)
  def filter(p: A => Boolean): Determine[A] = if (p(value)) this else Unknown
  def foreach(b: A => Unit): Unit = b(value)
final case class TBD[A](definer: () => A) extends Determine[A] {
  private var value: A = _

  def map[B](f: A => B): Determine[B] = {
    def newDefiner(): B = {

  def flatMap[B](f: A => Determine[B]): Determine[B] = {

  def filter(p: A => Boolean): Determine[A] = {
    if (p(cachedDefiner()))

  def foreach(b: A => Unit): Unit = {

  private def cachedDefiner(): A = {
    if (value == null)
      value = definer()
case object Unknown extends Determine[Nothing] {
  def map[B](f: Nothing => B): Determine[B] = this
  def flatMap[B](f: Nothing => Determine[B]): Determine[B] = this
  def filter(p: Nothing => Boolean): Determine[Nothing] = this
  def foreach(b: Nothing => Unit): Unit = {}

I got rid of the set & get and now the TBD class receives instead a function that will define provide the value or null if still undefined. This idea works great for the map method, but the rest of the methods have subtle bugs.

like image 241
ilcavero Avatar asked Nov 12 '11 21:11


1 Answers

For a simple approach, you don't need monads, with partial application is enough:

//some utilities
type Score=(Int,Int)
case class MatchResult[Team](winner:Team,loser:Team)

//assume no ties
def playMatch[Team](home:Team,away:Team)(score:Score)= 
  if (score._1>score._2) MatchResult(home,away) 
  else MatchResult(away,home)

//defined played match
val dpm= playMatch("D","E")(1,0)
//defined unplayed match, we'll apply the score later
val dum= playMatch("A","B")_

// a function that takes the dum score and applies it 
// to get a defined played match from  an undefined one
// still is a partial application of match because we don't have the final result yet
val uumWinner= { score:Score => playMatch (dpm.winner,dum(score).winner) _ }
val uumLoser= { score:Score => playMatch (dpm.loser,dum(score).loser)  _}

//apply the scores 
uumWinner (2,4)(3,1)
uumLoser (2,4)(0,1)

//scala> uumWinner (2,4)(3,1)
//res6: MatchResult[java.lang.String] = MatchResult(D,B)
//scala> uumLoser (2,4)(0,1)
//res7: MatchResult[java.lang.String] = MatchResult(A,E)

This is a starting point, I'm pretty sure it can be further refined. Maybe there we'll find the elusive monad. But I think an applicative functor will be enough. I'll give another pass later...

like image 174
GClaramunt Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10
