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New posts in unsafe-perform-io

Confusion over IORefs to make a counter

(Edited) How to get random number in Haskell without IO

haskell unsafe-perform-io

Memoizing an effectful function

How do use putStrLn for tracing (Haskell)

Safe to use unsafeIOToSTM to read from database?

Risks of using unsafeperformIO on randomIO

Departmental restriction against unsafePerformIO

How can unsafePerformIO be used to write unsafeCoerce?

haskell unsafe-perform-io

Show for IO types

How to know when an apparently pure Haskell interface hides unsafe operations?

How to write a haskell function without IO in type sig by hiding 'state' changes

Generate a random string at compile time or run time and use it in the rest of the program

unsafePerformIO and FFI library initialization

What is the difference between unsafeDupablePerformIO and accursedUnutterablePerformIO?

A way to avoid a common use of unsafePerformIO

Am I abusing unsafePerformIO?

haskell unsafe-perform-io

Is Haskell really a purely functional language considering unsafePerformIO?