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New posts in monad-transformers

In composite StateT / Maybe monad, how to take either possibility that succeeds?

'ExceptT ResourceT' vs 'ResourceT ExceptT'

MonadState instance from Real World Haskell doesn't compile

Use ReaderT Maybe or MaybeT Reader?

Lift error value to ErrorT monad transformer

Why changing the Data.Binary.Put monad into a transformer creates a memory leak?

Making normal monadic functions work with the monad transformer equivalent

How to circumvent existing instances (for Failure) in Haskell?

Scalaz: what role does filter play in |@|?

Scalaz monad transformers. Applying f1:A => G[B], f2:B => G[C] function to F[G[A]] object

MaybeT/Maybe and IO: Failsafe reading of information

Making a custom monad transformer an instance of MonadError

Scala: Bad inferred type for Option composed with StateT monad transformer

How does Haskell infer correct type classes in MaybeT implementation?

Precomposing monad transformers

EitherT: Call function returning Either only if a certain condition is true (otherwise return right)

Result of monad inside monad transformer

Using returned EitherT in haskell program

State monads: Transitioning from one state type to another

How do I actually execute a StateT monad along with IO?