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Localized enum strings in SelectList

asp.net-mvc-3 model enums

Why was mongoose designed in this way?

Cakephp 2.0 Localization for Model Messages

PHP: 5 layer model

django how to have multiple foreignkey from the same model

Rails 4 Simple Model Caching With Redis

Rails / ActiveRecord: field normalization

cakephp component $this->controller->modelClass

Codeigniter MY_Model class

php oop codeigniter model

Codeigniter: foreach method or result array?? [Models +View]

Rails: attr_accessor doesn't show up when try to render as JSON

What is Mage::getModel('core/resource_transaction') and when to use this model in Magento?

magento model transactions

Rails 4. Country validation in model

Cannot get/set data from sling models

model aem jcr sling sightly

Auto generate models classes in mvc from database

c# asp.net-mvc class model

Django: getting FIRST item that belongs to a model object in a ManyToManyField

django model many-to-many

ASP.NET MVC - Pass model value to data annotation parameter

Dynamically call a static variable (array)

php class static model methods

difference between agile model and spiral model [duplicate]

$this->load->model() not working in CodeIgniter

codeigniter model