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New posts in minitest

rails/minitest don't load fixtures for select tests

Ruby minitest assert_output syntax

cannot load such file -- test_helper if test case run using 'ruby' instead of 'rake test'

ruby-on-rails minitest

Include module in all MiniTest tests like in RSpec

minitest_plugin.rb:9 getting wrong number of arguments

How do I mock and verify an ActionCable transmission in minitest?

How to make minitest stop execution on failure?

Verify method never called or only once called using Minitest::Mock

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Is there a consensus about test frameworks for Ruby 1.9.x? [closed]

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Rails and MiniTest: add additional folder

How to use Ruby MiniTest::Spec with Rails for API integration tests?

What does this MiniTest::Unit::TestCase warning mean?

ruby-on-rails minitest

Minitest Issues Ruby on Rails

How to test Pundit policies with Minitest?

Testing controllers with Minitest

Ruby Minitest: Suite- or Class- level setup?

ruby minitest

Factory Girl pass parameter to trait

Testing a concern / module that uses ActiveRecord

URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?) testing Rails controllers

How to color unit tests with lib minitest or Test:Unit?

ruby testunit minitest