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What are the methods for tokenizing strings in .Net?

c# java .net migration

Pitfalls for converting a .net 2.0 solution to .net 3.5

Rails Migrations: Load default data

How to change the name of a database model and table in Rails?

Migrating from bazaar to mercurial?

mercurial migration bazaar

Delete old migrations differences

Doctrine Migrations, problems using custom doctrine types

How to convert a table column to another data type

Migrate data from one Model to another with Django South

Differences between def up and def change in migration file

Run database migrations using Entity Framework core on application start

PHPUnit doesn't seem to be running Laravel Migration

How can I specify column name casing in TypeORM migrations

How to populate production database (heroku) with development data? (Rails)

laravel5 migration copy existing table

Drop column Room migration android

Add new columns to existing table in a migration in Laravel

How can you migrate Django models similar to Ruby on Rails migrations?

python django migration

Why there is need to push django migrations to version control system

rename column in laravel using migration

laravel migration