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New posts in microcontroller

What are some available software tools used in testing firmware today?

STM32F3 Discovery - Implement GPIO-Interrupt

Initializing SD card in SPI issues

Flow of Startup code in an embedded system , concept of boot loader?

CRC16 checksum: HCS08 vs. Kermit vs. XMODEM

How could I represent a interrupt (for microcontrollers) in a flowchart? [closed]

GCC: How to disable heap usage entirely on an MCU?

How to Convert pythons Decimal() type into an INT and exponent

is it possible write to console without stdlibs? c/c++

c++ c microcontroller uart

In Microchip C18, why does the insertion of a NOP cause much larger code?

c microcontroller pic pic18

How to enforce the struct bit order with the GCC compiler?

Alternative to writing masks for 32 bit microcontrollers

difference between memory address register(MAR) and program counter(PC)?

Why does uint16_t make a difference here?

c integer microcontroller pic

Allocating memory in Flash for user data (STM32F4 HAL)

Is it possible to generate random numbers using physical sensors?

what is the difference between hardware watchdog and software watchdog? [closed]

Atmel AVR Disassembler

Where can I find soft-multiply and divide algorithms?

How hard is it for a software developer to learn how to program a microcontroller?

embedded microcontroller