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Modifying opacity of any window from C#

Windows.h error

c++ windows mfc include header

How to disable that an MFC application exits on pressing ESC or ALTF+F4?

c++ windows mfc

how to get return value from exe and restart it

c# mfc

Using MFC macros with templates

c++ templates mfc

AfxLoadLibrary vs. LoadLibrary

Where can I get afx...h files? [duplicate]

c++ mfc

varargs and conversion operators in MFC CString

c++ mfc variadic-functions

MFC Classes and C++ style casts

c++ casting mfc

What is the proper way to cast from an 'OLE_HANDLE' to an 'HICON'?

c++ windows winapi mfc casting

Stopping a thread in Win32/MFC

c++ multithreading winapi mfc

MFC menu item checkbox behavior

visual-c++ mfc dialog

What's the correct way to create a subclass of a MFC control?

c++ mfc winapi

error RC2176 : old DIB in res\icon3.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT?

Input Box in an MFC CWinApp program?

ActiveX in VC++ without MFC?

MFC Toolbar on Dialog?

c++ mfc toolbar

SetWindowTextW in an ANSI project

c++ winapi unicode mfc

change the background color of a dialog box mfc

c++ user-interface colors mfc

Win32, MFC: Ending threads

c++ multithreading winapi mfc