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New posts in memset

C strange array behaviour

c arrays memcpy memset

is memset(ary,0,length) a portable way of inputting zero in double array [duplicate]

Difference between memset and _strnset

c++ c memset

How to use memset or fill_n to initialize a dynamic two dimensional array in C++

Does CUDA really not have a calloc()-like API call?

c++ c cuda calloc memset

My attempt to optimize memset on a 64bit machine takes more time than standard implementation. Can someone please explain why?

c 64-bit memset

What is the fastest way to memset() a GPU buffer with OpenCL?

performance opencl memset

char array vs. char pointer

c malloc memset c-strings

C memset seems to not write to every member

c++ templates sizeof memset

Linking error when building without CRT, memcpy and memset intrinsic functions

c++ memcpy intrinsics crt memset

Linux kernel NULL-pointer dereference in memset from kzalloc

Using memset in a CUDA kernel

c++ cuda memset

calloc() slower than malloc() & memset()

c malloc memset calloc

implicit conversion changes signedness 'int" to 'unsigned int"

Using memset on structures in C++

c++ memset memcmp

"Use of uninitialised value" despite of memset

c malloc valgrind memset

Initializing a C struct array, with a size not known at compile time

Memset an int (16 bit) array to short's max value

c++ c memset

What performance can I expect from std::fill_n(ptr, n, 0) relative to memset?