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Using Autofac with Mvc controller constructor injection

c# asp.net-mvc mef autofac

Is it possible to use MEF RegistrationBuilder to create a PRISM ModuleExport?

c# prism mef

How-To Prevent Module Duplicates with MEF?

c# mef

ImportMany with Metadata not importing


What does "multiple scopes" mean in when talking about MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) and .NET 4.5?

mef .net-4.5

Lazy loading of assemblies/catalogs

MEF [ImportingConstructor] not called until [Import(AllowDefault = true)] is used

c# mef composition

How do I export and import application services with say MEF?

c# dependency-injection mef

Prism:EventAggregator and MEF - 2 different instances of EventAggregator

How to include an image in metadata for a Plug-In DLL using MEF?

c# image plugins metadata mef

Type constrained open generics do not work with RegistrationBuilder

What's the recommended way to run plugins with dependency dll's that have different version?

How to release a shared instance from a MEF container

c# mef

Why doesn't VS2010 copy all DLLs in /bin/debug to the unit test directory?

Customize c# WinForm application for multiple customers

Where do I add a behavior to a single Region?

prism mef

Import property always null (MEF import issue)

c# mef

Handle ReflectionTypeLoadException during MEF composition

c# mef

Using MEF to import a WPF DataTemplate?

wpf mvvm datatemplate mef