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New posts in maven-surefire-plugin

Run a specific test in a single test class with Spock and Maven

Append the value of argLine param in maven-surefire-plugin

How to parametrize Maven surefire plugin so I can choose which TestNG suites to run

How can I stop maven from running TEST twice?

Docker->Maven->Failsafe->Surefire starting fork fails with "The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called?"

Maven - Get list of all tests without running them?

what, besides Class objects, is stored in Perm Gen Space (sun 1.6 VM)?

How do I configure maven to print JUnit assertion failure message to console

Running tests with maven packaging type "pom"

Troubles with SureFire plugin: -"The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called ? " [duplicate]

Maven does not run @BeforeEach Methods while running

What does the "default-test" stand for in the maven-surefire plugin

Maven surefire: append to argLine

Using the Maven surefire plugin to include tests

Maven build and maven-failsafe-plugin - The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye

Set surefire plugin Locale in Maven pom file

How to exclude all JUnit4 tests with a given category using Maven surefire?

Maven doesn't execute any unit test

Benefits of Maven FailSafe Plugin

Maven separate Unit Test and Integration Tests