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What does the "default-test" stand for in the maven-surefire plugin

I have defined the following configuration in my pom for surefire with TestNg:



But it seems the two executions are always preceded by a "default-test" run which seems to run every @test annotated method (at least I think so).

--- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12:test (default-test) @ my-project

For example running "mvn test" on the project, two test executions take place. The "default-test" and the "unit-test".

Could someone explain this a little more to me? Can this be disabled or controlled (configured what is tested and what not)?

like image 763
Peter De Winter Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 13:08

Peter De Winter

2 Answers

Alternatively to the Stephen's solution, if you don't want the following message to be displayed in the log (which in fact is a bit misleading since you are not skipping tests):

[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ service-template ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.

...then go this way:

like image 37
Jan Švajcr Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 11:10

Jan Švajcr

People wanted to have a way to override the default built-in executions of plugins within Maven.

Maven 3 (or it may have been introduced as early as 2.1.0 or 2.2.0) solved this by defining a default execution id for each plugin execution added to the effective pom by the packaging's lifecycle.

The name of this implicit id is always default-_____ I cannot recall the exact rule that it is generated for.

You can therefore override the packaging's injected executions by defining a matching execution.

To solve your case I would either change <id>unit-tests</id> to <id>default-test</id> or add


either will have the same effect, though the <id>unit-tests</id> to <id>default-test</id> solution will be slightly more performant as you only need to invoke two executions of surefire.

The other thing I would point out is you would probably be better off using maven-failsafe-plugin to execute your integration tests as at some point in time you may want to do some stuff pre & post integration testing, and failsafe is designed for that use case (though it should be trivial to switch further down the line)

like image 155
Stephen Connolly Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Stephen Connolly