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New posts in maven-plugin

Process spawned by exec-maven-plugin blocks the maven process

Is there still no solution for ignoring setter/getter (other trivial methods) with the cobertura-maven-plugin?

How does Maven resolve plugin versions?

maven maven-3 maven-plugin

How to use Maven Surefire plug-in with different groups for test and integration-test?

ClassNotFoundException when running JUnit unit tests within Eclipse (using Maven)

Can I set the project version with a buildnumber-maven-plugin?

How to use space in arguments for Maven 2 exec plugin

Howto disable mirror repository in maven settings

maven maven-plugin

String arrays as command line arguments for maven plugin

Maven assembly : add different version of the same artifact

Downloading complete maven remote repository to Local repository?

Maven without Internet connection

maven maven-plugin

Exclude generated code in sonar

Tool for creating a Java daemon service on Linux [closed]

Unable to load the mojo 'test' - org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M1:test

Maven plugin can't load class

maven-2 maven-plugin

How to make Maven automatically retry (resume from failed module)?

Maven with JDK 11 fails when downloading a wrong dependency with "extension (10) should not be presented in server_hello"

What does "mvn -P" do?

How does Maven determine the order goals run in within a given phase?

maven-2 maven-plugin