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New posts in maven-2

LATEST version of parent project in Maven

maven-2 parent pom.xml

Disable Maven SCM

maven-2 maven-scm

Maven animal sniffer plugin from codehouse can not find org.jvnet signatures

java maven-2

run maven tests from classpath

maven-2 surefire

Why Maven is running tests again, when JAR is already there?

java maven-2

gwt-maven-plugin: How to set system properties for the gwt:run goal in the pom.xml?

gwt maven-2

How to detect what maven profiles are activated?

Getting name of last folder from maven ${project.basedir}

maven maven-2 maven-3

What is the purpose of the archetypeArtifactId?

java maven-2 maven

How to tell Maven2 to not test non-@Test-annotated classes in test source folder?

java testing maven maven-2 junit

Migrating to maven from an unusual svn directory structure?

Cannot use Spring LDAP with Spring Security

Maven2 sharing dependencies across parent and children (without redeclaring dependencies in children)

How to recursively resolve dependencies in a Maven 2 plugin

maven-2 maven maven-plugin

Accessing a web application's static resources

Is it necessary to have .java files in /src/main/java when compiling with maven?

java maven-2 layout

Maven Class path error multiple SLF4J bindings

Utility for downloading artifacts from maven repo without mvn/poms [closed]

java maven-2 repository aether

Using native dependencies inside Maven

maven-2 dependencies

Don't download artifact from remote repository
