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Repetition of array elements in MATLAB

arrays matlab repeat

Obtain first significant digits of a number using variable-precision arithmetic

find robust fit of a model function in noisy signal

How do I generate the following matrix and vector from the given input data in MATLAB?

matlab vector matrix

Matlab, How do I compare each element of a row matrix with each element of another row matrix?


UnsatisfiedLinkError When Loading a Library from Java in MATLAB

Sliding window algorithm for activity recognition

matlab sliding-window

Unpacking varargin to individual variables

function matlab arguments

What is the best way to flag some elements in MATLAB? using NaN or Inf? or something else?


MATLAB expression column indexing

matlab indexing

Y-axis in MATLAB bar plot is hidden


How do I calculate the area under a curve in an image with MATLAB?

matlab image-processing

Text and Plots in Matlab to LaTeX

matlab text latex plot

how to add multiple functions in matlab


How to create dynamic Callbacks in MATLAB?

How to display labels above a histogram bin?

matlab plot histogram

Plotting a decision boundary in matlab

Contour detection in MATLAB

Why is vectorization beneficial for Matlab programs? Is it the same for NumPy and Boost(uBLAS)?

Is it possible to save only half of a symmetric matrix to save the memory?

matlab matrix large-data