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New posts in magic-methods

Php __get and __set magic methods - why do we need those here?

Using __call with static classes?

php oop static magic-methods

How to detect dynamic declarated fields on objects with codesniffer in PHP

Numpy __getitem__ delayed evaluation and a[-1:] not the same as a[slice(-1, None, none)]

python numpy magic-methods

User defined magic methods: What is "documented magic functionality"?

php magic-methods

What is the pythonic/faster way to check if the "key" argument of a custom __getitem__ method is a slice?

What is the real purpose of magic method __set_state in PHP?

php magic-methods

__callStatic(), call_user_func_array(), references, and PHP 5.3.1

PHP: Static Readonly property in class

php static get set magic-methods

Using PDO::FETCH_CLASS with Magic Methods

php pdo magic-methods

Why is __getattribute__ not invoked on an implicit __getitem__-invocation?

python magic-methods

Increment on "__toString"

php increment magic-methods

How to use is_callable with __call?

PHP - __call all the time

php methods call magic-methods

Is any magic method called on an object in a list during join()?

python join magic-methods

PHP magic methods example

PHP's magic method __call on subclasses

php oop magic-methods

Python equivalent of PHPs __call() magic method?

php python magic-methods

PHP - Zend say avoid Magic Methods?

Why doesn't Python have a hybrid getattr + __getitem__ built in?