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New posts in magic-methods

Which special methods bypasses __getattribute__ in Python?

python magic-methods

Built-in magic variable names/attributes

How to implement __isset() magic method in PHP?

php class isset magic-methods

informing interface methods are implemented via __call?

Practical applications of PHP magic methods - __get, __set, and __call

php magic-methods

Why are explicit calls to magic methods slower than "sugared" syntax?

Python class method chaining

How to implement __iadd__ for a Python property

Is there any case where len(someObj) does not call someObj's __len__ function?

python magic-methods

Why PHP uses static methods in object context?

How to write a static python getitem method?

Check if a property exists on magically set properties

How to use interfaces and magic methods in PHP

php interface magic-methods

Custom double star operator for a class?

PHP Arrayable Interface

__new__ method giving error object.__new__() takes exactly one argument (the type to instantiate)

What are the names of the magic methods for the operators "is" and "in"?

List of all Python dunder methods - Which ones do you need to implement to correctly proxy an object?

__callStatic(): instantiating objects from static context?

Triggering __call() in PHP even when method exists

php magic-methods