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Python class method chaining

To avoid getting lost in architectural decisions, I'll ask this with an analogous example:

lets say I wanted a Python class pattern like this:

queue = TaskQueue(broker_conn)
queue.region("DFW").task(fn, "some arg") 

The question here is how do I get a design a class such that certain methods can be "chained" in this fashion.

task() would require access to the queue class instance attributes and the operations of task depends on the output of region().

I see SQLalchemy does this (see below) but am having difficulty digging through their code and isolating this pattern.

query = db.query(Task).filter(Task.objectid==10100) 
like image 415
NFicano Avatar asked Feb 14 '14 17:02


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What do you mean by method chaining?

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2 Answers

SQLAlchemy produces a clone on such calls, see Generative._generate() method which simply returns a clone of the current object.

On each generative method call (such as .filter(), .orderby(), etc.) a new clone is returned, with a specific aspect altered (such as the query tree expanded, etc.).

SQLAlchemy uses a @_generative decorator to mark methods that must operate and return a clone here, swapping out self for the produced clone.

Using this pattern in your own code is quite simple:

from functools import wraps

class GenerativeBase(object):
    def _generate(self):
        s = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
        s.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy()
        return s

def _generative(func):
    def decorator(self, *args, **kw):
        new_self = self._generate()
        func(new_self, *args, **kw)
        return new_self
    return decorator

class TaskQueue(GenerativeBase):
    def region(self, reg_id):
        self.reg_id = reg_id

    def task(self, callable, *args, **kw):
        self.tasks.append((callable, args, kw))

Each call to .region() or .task() will now produce a clone, which the decorated method updates by altering the state. The clone is then returned, leaving the original instance object unchanged.

like image 194
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Martijn Pieters

Just return the current object from region method, like this

def region(self, my_string):
    return self

Since region returns the current object which has the task function, the chaining is possible now.


As @chepner mentioned in the comments section, make sure that region makes changes to the object self.

like image 6
thefourtheye Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
