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What is the pythonic/faster way to check if the "key" argument of a custom __getitem__ method is a slice?

I have a custom Sequence type. It is essentially a wrapper for a list plus a boolean flag and I wanted it to emulate usual immutable sequence behavior.

My issue is with slicing. I understand that in Python 3 the way to implement it is to have a __getitem__(key) method that returns an item if %key is a single index and a sliced sequence if %key is a slice object. But how should I discriminate these cases?

I basically have two hypotheses.

sliced_list = self.wrapped_list[key]
if isinstance(key, slice):
    return MyCustomSequenceType(sliced_list, boolean_flag)
return sliced_list

But this is evil, isn't it? Or

sliced_list = self.wrapped_list[key]
    return MyCustomSequenceType(sliced_list, boolean_flag)
except TypeError:
    return sliced_list

The latter looks more pythonic. It relies on the fact that MyCustomSequenceType.__init__(self, datas, flag) calls len(datas), it so raise TypeError if %datas is an integer. But then, if __init__ raises TypeError for another random issue it will be untraceable. Also http://wiki.cython.org/enhancements/numpy/getitem hints that isinstance is faster (in fact more easily optimizable).

What should I do, then?

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Evpok Avatar asked May 19 '11 09:05


2 Answers

You could have a look through the standard library and copy what is done there. For example, calendar.py has:

def __getitem__(self, i):
    funcs = self._months[i]
    if isinstance(i, slice):
        return [f(self.format) for f in funcs]
        return funcs(self.format)

which shows both explicit checking with isinstance and partially ducking the issue by simply passing the index or slice through to the underlying list.

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Duncan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11


That should be isinstance(key, slice), not isinstance(key, "slice").

Also, you shouldn't call __getitem__ directly - use the [] item notation.

For myself, I would use the isinstance(key, slice) method if I needed to discern - slice is a pretty special thing, not something that's easily going to be replaceable with another type (think about it - if self.wrapped_list is a list, a slice is the only type of object which will return other than an element or error).

So I'd end up with it like this:

sliced_list = self.wrapped_list[key]
if isinstance(key, slice):
    return MyCustomSequenceType(sliced_list, boolean_flag)
return sliced_list

Consider further though whether you need to treat slices specially; I have no idea what your case is, but when making an architectural decision which will influence things later, it's generally a good idea to consider a few different ways of doing the same thing and evaluate them all and decide on the best one (not that I do it much myself - I tend to just rush in and implement and patch afterwards...).

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Chris Morgan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Chris Morgan