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How to sort SVN LS -R output by date

sorting date svn ls

hadoop dfs -ls complains

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How to list files page wise in linux?

linux ls

How to properly grep filenames only from ls -al

unix grep ls

Cutting the column including size

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find all audio files in a folder using bash in linux

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can't explain sort(1) behaviour

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Bash alias to automatically detect arbitrarily named file sequences?

python bash shell sequence ls

Question marks in output of command "ls -la" in Ubuntu

Problem Listing files in bash with spaces in directory path

bash command-line ls

Is there any established order for 'ls' arguments?

bash shell posix zsh ls

how can i show the size of files in /proc? it should not be size zero

linux file filesize ls proc

Getting zsh to honor dircolors-solarized

zsh ls

Bash: Get modified `ls`-like output (multiple entries per line)

bash multiple-columns ls

How to list only the dot files and dot folder names (without the content in them)

linux shell ls

Bash regex: how to match n times using 'grep' or 'ls'

regex bash grep ls

How to view file date of result of find command in bash

bash find ls

Linux: The command ls -la shows a file pointing to another file. What does that mean?

bash symlink ls

get all files from a directory without details

linux ls