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New posts in low-level

Is there a neutral element in IEEE754 with regards to addition

What is data type and how is it implemented?

How to send low-level escape sequences to a printer on OS X?

Why is the string literal considered a primitive type in JavaScript?

What exactly happens when delete my_object; is executed? Is all other memory shifted to the left by sizeof(MyClass)?

c++ c memory low-level

Why must Java booleans be at least 1 byte in size?

Why memory reordering is not a problem on single core/processor machines?

Where in memory are return values stored in memory?


Why assembly language is still needed if we have high level languages offering sophisticated tools? [closed]

assembly low-level

Variable declaration performance on loops in Actionscript 3

Why don't compilers generate microinstructions rather than assembly code?

What has a better performance: multiplication or division?

performance cpu low-level

Closest language to Python's syntax that is more low level language!

What is INT 21h?

Why do Java and C# have bitshifts operators?

primitive ssh connection (lowlevel)

c# ssh low-level

How do timers and delays work on low level

Stepwise description of file execution in Windows

Measuring size of a function generated with Clang/LLVM?

c embedded clang llvm low-level

C memory management for Cross-platform VM