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New posts in logical-operators

How logical negation operator "!" works

Is it possible to use an AND operator in grepl()?

What is the difference between ==~ and != in Groovy?

Logical AND in Forth?

How to robustly describe conditional expressions with AND, OR in JSON?

Check for multiple values when using comparison operators

Overloading logical operators considered bad practice?

Using && in EL results in error: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

MongoDB in Go (golang) with mgo: how to use logical operators to query?

Does Java check all arguments in "&&" (and) operator even if one of them is false?

JavaScript coding technique or bad code?

Behavior of summing !is.na() results

Operator '||' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool?' and 'bool?'

c# logical-operators

Difference between "&&" and "and" operators [duplicate]

c++ logical-operators

unusual ternary operation

Is there a difference between using a logical operator or a bitwise operator in an if block in Java?

AndAlso OrElse can be anomalously slow

What kind of syntactic sugar is available in Perl to reduce code for l/rvalue operators vs. if statements?

How to mimic logical XOR in ZX Spectrum basic?

Logical operation between two Boolean lists