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New posts in logical-operators

Logical vs bitwise

python logical-operators

Is (4 > y > 1) a valid statement in C++? How do you evaluate it if so?

Java logical operator (&&, ||) short-circuit mechanism

Select columns in data.table based on logical vector

Logical operators - 'or' vs. '||' (double pipe) in PHP [duplicate]

php logical-operators

Defining double exclamation?

Can I use the not operator in C++ on int values?

Is operator && strict in Haskell?

Java chained inequality if (5<i<10)

How do I use the bitwise operator XOR in Lua?

Short circuiting statement evaluation -- is this guaranteed? [C#]

Pandas Equivalent of R's which()

Java short circuit evaluation

Using logical operator in knockout conditional if binding

How does javascript logical assignment work?

Subset a data frame using OR when the column contains a factor

r logical-operators

Is there an implication logical operator in python?

&&= and ||= operators [duplicate]

c# c++ c logical-operators

Is the "true" result of >, <, !, &&, || or == defined?

c logical-operators

How to prevent short-circuit evaluation?