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New posts in lock-free

Trouble with boost::lockfree::queue in shared memory (boost 1.53, gcc 4.7.2 / clang 3.0-6ubuntu3)

Average latency of atomics cmpxchg instructions on Intel Cpus

Is message passing via channels in go guaranteed to be non-blocking?

Lock-free algorithm library

c algorithm lock-free

Confusion about implementation error within shared_ptr destructor

Quiescent State Based Reclamation vs Epoch Based Reclamation

Use of std::memory_order_consume in the Folly's lock free SPSC queue

Do spin locks always require a memory barrier? Is spinning on a memory barrier expensive?

How to do compare and increment atomically?

boost::lockfree::spsc_queue busy wait strategy. Is there a blocking pop?

Is Clojure lockfree by using lockfree algorithms?

Why is std::atomic<T>::is_lock_free() not static as well as constexpr?

Does an optimistic lock-free FIFO queue implementation exist?

Is a lock (wait) free doubly linked list possible?

Compare and swap in C++

Why don't standard libraries implement std::atomic for structs under 8 bytes in a lock-free manner?

Atomic 16 byte read on x64 CPUs

c++ c 64-bit sse lock-free

What's the difference between lockless and lockfree?

lock-free lockless

Is multiple-producer, single-consumer possible in a lockfree setting?

message lock-free

Is a lock required with a lazy initialization on a deeply immutable type?