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Is message passing via channels in go guaranteed to be non-blocking?

In order to assess whether go is a possible option for an audio/video application, I would like to know whether message passing in go satisfies any non-blocking progress guarantees (being obstruction-free, lock-free or wait-free). In particular, the following scenarios are relevant:

Single producer single consumer:

Two threads communicate using a shared channel. Thread A only does asynchronous sends, thread B only does asynchronous receives. Suppose the OS scheduler decides to interrupt thread A at the "worst possible moment" for an indefinite amount of time. Is thread B guaranteed to finish a receive operation in a bounded number of cpu cycles or is there a (theoretical) possibility that thread A can put the channel into a state where thread B needs to wait for the OS to resume thread A?

Multiple producers:

Several threads A1, A2, A3, ... communicate with one or more others threads using a shared channel. The threads Ai only do asynchronous sends. Suppose A2, A3, ... are suspended by the OS scheduler at the "worst possible moment" for an indefinite amount of time. Is thread A1 still guaranteed to finish a send operation in a bounded number of cpu cycles? Suppose further that each thread only wants to do one send. If the program is run sufficiently long (with a "malicious" scheduler which potentially starves some threads or interrupts and resumes threads at the "worst possible moment"), is at least one send guaranteed to succeed?

I am not so much interested in typical scenarios here, but rather worst-case guarantees. See Non-blocking algorithm (Wikipedia) for more details on obstruction-, lock- and wait-free algorithms.

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Tobias Avatar asked Jul 17 '11 19:07


People also ask

Are Go channels blocking?

Channel operation (i.e. write or read) are blocking in nature. This means: When we send data into the channel using a GoRoutine, it will be blocked until the data is consumed by another GoRoutine. When we receive data from channel using a GoRoutine, it will be blocked until the data is available in the channel.

How does channels work in Go?

In Golang, or Go, channels are a means through which different goroutines communicate. Think of them as pipes through which you can connect with different concurrent goroutines. The communication is bidirectional by default, meaning that you can send and receive values from the same channel.

Can you read from a closed channel Golang?

The value read from a closed channel will be the zero value of the channel's type. For example, if the channel is an int channel, then the value received from a closed channel will be 0 . The for range form of the for loop can be used to receive values from a channel until it is closed.

What happens when a channel is closed Golang?

We can close a channel in Golang with the help of the close() function. Once a channel is closed, we can't send data to it, though we can still read data from it. A closed channel denotes a case where we want to show that the work has been done on this channel, and there's no need for it to be open.

2 Answers

Normal sends and receives are blocking operations by definition. You can do a non-blocking send or receive by using a select statement:

select {
case ch <- msg:

(Receiving is very similar; just replace the case statement.)

The send only takes place when there is room in the channel's buffer. Otherwise the default case runs. Note that internally a mutex is still used (if I'm reading the code correctly).

like image 139
Evan Shaw Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 18:11

Evan Shaw

The Go Memory Model doesn't require sends and receives to be non-blocking, and the current runtime implementation locks the channel for send and recv. This means, for instance, that it is possible to starve a sending or receiving go-routine if the OS-scheduler interrupts another thread running another go-routine which tries to send or receive on the same channel while it has already acquired the channel's lock.

So the answer is unfortunately no :(

(unless someone reimplement parts of the runtime using non-blocking algorithms).

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Tobias Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 18:11
