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New posts in location

iphone app - how to get the current location only once and store that to be used in another function?

LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.removeLocationUpdates(mGoogleApiClient, this); Tries to cast as com.google.android.gms.location.LocationListener)

iPhone location button

iphone button location

What is the best way to show a WPF window at the mouse location (to the top left of the mouse)?

c# wpf window location mouse

PHP How to header-location to a page in a parent directory?

php header directory location

What is the meaning of android.location.LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER?

MEF load plugin from directory

c# location mef .net-assembly

On location change in Angular

requestLocationUpdates() in separate Thread

iOS location significant change accuracy and distance

ios location

Finding the compass orientation of an iPhone in swift

How to call functions on the stage in JavaFX's controller file

location javafx-2 javafx fxml

Passing strings between activities in android

iOS Region Monitoring in Background Mode

iOS Background location tracking fails on test devices

ios background location

Starting CLLocationManager location updates while app is in background

Android best way to get location repeatedly in background considering battery as well

Android Compass point to my location instead of north