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New posts in localdb

Does SQL Profiler work with LocalDB?

SQL Server CE and Visual Studio 2013

Entity Framework 5 always try to connect to sqlexpress instead of local db

entity-framework localdb

LocalDB database on fly for entity framework code first

c# entity-framework localdb

How can I specify that my app should start SQL Server LocalDb with a trace flag parameter?

How to start an SQL Server LocalDB via IIS

sql-server iis localdb

How to restore SQL Server 2008 R2 backup to a LocalDb 2012

What does "The "DataDirectory" registry value is missing in the LocalDB instance registry key" error mean?

asp.net-mvc iis-7.5 localdb

Can I run LocalDb "in-memory"


How to work with LocalDB and EF, without using migrations

Origin of MSSqlLocalDB and ProjectsV##

visual-studio localdb

Is LocalDB supported by Visual Studio 2010 in Entity Framework 5?

c# entity-framework localdb

Creating a Connection String and Working with SQL Server LocalDB

How to determine LocalDb instance name in SQL script?

Improve the performance of dacpac deployment using c#

Creating Table in Azure Storage Emulator produces HTTP 500 Error

DACPAC won't deploy because 'can't connect to server'?

Unable to generate explicit migration (EF5) (migrations pending)

How to share SQL LocalDb with other users on same machine?

c# sql-server-2012 localdb