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How can I specify that my app should start SQL Server LocalDb with a trace flag parameter?

My application uses a LocalDb instance to store it's data. I've noticed a quirk in the way that LocalDb has allocated identifies (explained more here) which I'd like to avoid. The linked answer explains that this can be done by setting an SQL Server trace flag, and explains how to do this for "full fat" SQL Server.

Is it possible to set a trace flag on LocalDb? As my application starts it on demand, could this be done through the connection string?

like image 728
Ian Gregory Avatar asked Aug 19 '16 16:08

Ian Gregory

People also ask

How do I check if trace flag is enabled in SQL Server?

DBCC TRACESTATUS returns a column for the trace flag number and a column for the status. This indicates whether the trace flag is ON (1) or OFF (0). The column heading for the trace flag number is either Global or Session, depending on whether you are checking the status for a global or a session trace flag.

1 Answers

I have a similar problem and believe I have a workaround...

Launch Regedit and find your localdb registry key. For me this was


Within this key create another key named Parameters.

Within the Parameters key create a string (REG_SZ) named SQLArg0 and set its value to -T272.

Stop the LocalDB process by running SQLLOCALDB.EXE in a command prompt, passing in stop as a parameter and the name of the instance. For example:

C:\> sqllocaldb stop mssqllocaldb

And then cause LocalDB to auto start by connecting to a database on it.

Run the query DBCC TRACESTATUS() and you should see that the trace flag 272 is present. For example:

C:\>sqlcmd -S (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB -Q "DBCC TRACESTATUS();"

To test this I've been using VS2015 server explorer to explore the database. Killing the LocalDB process in Task Manager (sqlservr.exe), connecting to the database in VS2015 and adding a new row manually causes my auto-increment value to jump by 1000. After adding the registry hack described above, manually terminating the LocalDB process doesn't cause the next generated identity value to skip.


like image 129
Richard Moore Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Richard Moore